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Athlete Was Not Hit with RUSADA Sanctions because of Clever Consult Protection

Clever Consult helped the athlete, who falls under the description of a protected person, to win another case against RUSADA. This was the second case (this time at the appeal stage) in which Clever Consult successfully represented the athlete's interests.

Previously, a team of Clever Consult lawyers had helped the athlete in the RUSADA Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee: instead of being banned from sport for four years, the athlete was not sanctioned at all. Later, RUSADA appealed to the National Centre of Sport Arbitration (NCSA), insisting on a 6-month ban for the athlete. As a result, after careful consideration of the arguments from both sides, the NCSA arbitrators felt compelled to agree with Clever Consult's position, which was admittedly the more solid and convincing one. As a result, RUSADA's claims were dismissed and the decision of the RUSADA Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee was upheld. This was the second time that the Clever Consult team had successfully defended the rights of the same athlete.


* For reasons of confidentiality, we cannot disclose the athlete's sport, age or gender.

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