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Clever’s First Victory at 2024 Olympics

Not only athletes, but legal professionals as well, are getting ready for the Olympic Games. 

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Clever Consult Included by the PH Kommersant in its Legal Services Market Leaders 2024 Ranking

The Clever Consult legal group was included by the Publishing House Kommersant in its ranking of Legal Services Market Leaders 2024 for best industry practices in the area of “Tourism and Sports” in the “resolution of key disputes in the industry” nomination, Band 1. 

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Olympic Champion Avoids 2-Year Ban, Thanks to Clever Consult Involvement

During a recent hearing, the RUSADA Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee (DAC RUSADA) deliberated on the case involving a prominent athlete charged with violation of cl. 4.4 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules.  The prescribed sanction for this ADRV is a two-year period of ineligibility.

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Thanks to Clever Consult, Athlete Charged with ADRV Avoids Suspension

In February 2023, Maxim Antonenko, a Russian Para athletics athlete, was notified of an adverse analytical finding.  The analysis of the athlete's sample showed a significant concentration of a prohibited substance. Our legal team successfully resolved this complex matter thus preventing the athlete from being imposed with a possible sanction of four-year period of ineligibility. 

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Clever Consult Once Again Plays Vital Role in Restoring Justice

Having lost a case on procedural grounds in National Center of Arbitration for Sport (NCAS), the Presidium of a certain All-Russian Sports Federation (due to confidentiality reasons, the name cannot be revealed) has opted to hold Official X accountable for their disrespectful remarks towards another Official (“Official Y”). The NCAS, in its decision, did not address either the existence of the violation itself or other relevant details (such as fault).

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Clever Consult secures victory for VTB United League in National Center of Arbitration for Sport

The Clever Consult legal team added another impressive success to their record.In the dispute between Avtodor basketball club and VTB United League, our lawyers have successfully fought for the interests of the latter.

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Clever Consult Successful Again: CAS Awards FC Chayka Over RUB 20m in Compensation

By having the decision of the Dispute Resolution Chamber of the Russian Football Union (RFU) set aside, Clever Consult successfully defended Chayka football club (FC Chayka) in CAS and managed to secure fair settlements of disputes between the club and its former players, Marat Apshatsev and Artem Fedchuk. 

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Clever Consult Successfully Concludes Case without Hearing, Again

In April 2023, our client faced charges of an alleged use of an anabolic steroid back in 2013. 

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Athlete Was Not Hit with RUSADA Sanctions because of Clever Consult Protection

Clever Consult helped the athlete, who falls under the description of a protected person, to win another case against RUSADA. This was the second case (this time at the appeal stage) in which Clever Consult successfully represented the athlete's interests.

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Through Assistance of Clever Consult, Athlete Escapes Suspension on Grounds of ADAMS Filing Failures

On June 29, 2023, Clever Consult lawyers helped an athlete convince the members of RUSADA Disciplinary Committee that an ADAMS filing failure declared by RUSADA (the 3rd warning or so-called «red flag»), did not meet the necessary requirements for a potential filing failure.

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Clever Consult Helps Russian Weightlifting Cup Winner Avoid 4-Year Ban

Aslan Kaskulov’s sample provided in January 2022 was found to contain traces of an anabolic steroid. As a consequence, the athlete was facing a four-year period of ineligibility to be imposed by RUSADA.

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Team of Clever Consult Lawyers Secure Adoption of an Exceedingly Rare Decision

Earlier this year in February, just a few days short of the expiration of a 10-year preclusive term, a track-and-field athlete, who had come to us seeking legal assistance, faced charges for presumptive use of erythropoietin. Following the consideration of the Statement of Defense prepared by Clever Consult lawyers, the case was dismissed for lack of evidence, with all charges dropped. Subject to the provisions of Article 17.3 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules, we keep all details relating to the athlete identity undisclosed.


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Clever Consult Included by the PH Kommersant in its Legal Services Market Leaders 2023 Ranking

The Clever Consult legal group was included by the Publishing House Kommersant in its ranking of Legal Services Market Leaders 2023 for best industry practices in the area of “Tourism and Sports” in the “resolution of key disputes in the industry” and “counseling industry leaders” nominations. 

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Clever Consult Helps Russian Boxing Champion Avoid 4-Year Ban

Dulma Lumbudova’s sample provided at the beginning of 2022 was found to contain Trimetazidine, which constitutes an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV) with a standard sanction of a four-year period of ineligibility.  However, with the help of Clever Consult, the athlete was able to avoid such a sanction. 

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Clever Consult Prevents Minor Athlete Being Suspended for Four Years

Clever Consult helped an athlete (minor), who falls under description of a Protected Person, to prove that they bore no fault or negligence in an anti-doping rule violation (ADRV). 

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