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Olympic Champion Avoids 2-Year Ban, Thanks to Clever Consult Involvement

During a recent hearing, the RUSADA Disciplinary Anti-Doping Committee (DAC RUSADA) deliberated on the case involving a prominent athlete charged with violation of cl. 4.4 of the All-Russian Anti-Doping Rules.  The prescribed sanction for this ADRV is a two-year period of ineligibility.

Due to all charges being dismissed, we are unable to disclose the athlete's personal data or sport.

As part of the registered testing pool, the athlete indicated in ADAMS their availability for testing, specifying the location and time. On three occasions, the athlete was unable to meet with doping control officers during the designated time slots, due to certain circumstances. This formed the basis for the case brought against them and subsequent hearing.

Considerable groundwork was carried out ahead of the hearing: our legal team was thoroughly prepared, having meticulously reviewed all pertinent details. The athlete was fully acquitted, as the fact of their violation of anti-doping rules was not established.

Once again, we urge all athletes to regularly update their information in the ADAMS system.

To our unnamed hero, we extend our wishes for future triumphs, achievements, and awards.

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