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Clever Consult Helps Russian Weightlifting Cup Winner Avoid 4-Year Ban

Aslan Kaskulov’s sample provided in January 2022 was found to contain traces of an anabolic steroid. As a consequence, the athlete was facing a four-year period of ineligibility to be imposed by RUSADA.

Thanks to the diligent efforts and professional work of Clever Consult lawyers, Aslan avoided such a sanction. The tremendous work done was supported by and based on the scientific findings recently published by the team of scientists of the Kuban State University led by Doctor Azamat Temerdashev, Ph.D. Our legal team successfully proved to both a foreign expert and RUSADA Disciplinary Committee members that the positive test result was caused by a contaminated product. In the end, instead of being suspended, which would obviously cost the young athlete his entire career, Aslan was given a reprimand and can immediately return to the sport.

Clever Consult congratulates Aslan on the favorable decision in his case! We wish the athlete strong performance and new victories on the weightlifting platform.

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